
A company begins a radio advertising campaign in New York City to market a new CD-ROM video game. The percentage of the target market that buys a game is given by the function f(t)=100(1-e^-0.05t), where T is the number of days of the campaign and f(t) is a percent. Find the percentage of the target market that buys a game after a 10 day campaign

Accepted Solution

Answer:39.35%Step-by-step explanation:The percentage of the target market that buys the game is given by the function [tex]f(t) =100(1-e^{-0.05t} )[/tex] ........ (1), where t is the number of days of the campaign and f(t) is the percent. Now, we have to find the percentage of the target market that buys the game after a 10 days campaign. Now, putting t = 10 days in the equation (1), we get the percentage as [tex]f(10) = 100(1-e^{-0.05 \times 10} )= 100 \times 0.3934 = 39.35[/tex]% (Approximate) (Answer)